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Re: thanks for response

qwerty wrote:

we got the same thing in reverse. we are trying to copy multiple .pdf files and we get through about 20 of them and then it just sits there saying its stalled. did you ever figure the problem?

Does it happen with WinSCP or OpenSSH scp?

thanks for response

we got the same thing in reverse. we are trying to copy multiple .pdf files and we get through about 20 of them and then it just sits there saying its stalled. did you ever figure the problem?
Edson Eddie

Error STALLED in a copy

Hello everybody !!

I have a problem, I got a WINDOWS SERVER 2003 Machine, and there's OPEN SSH for windows and WINSCP installed on it.

And there's a UNIX MACHINE, HP UX, I am trying to copy some file located on this server UNIX. I use the follow command line :

scp -r user@server:/directory/directory .
password :

It starts the copy normally, but in some time it comes the follow error :

FILE.TXT ---------10%-----------stalled

And stops the copy.

I don't know what to do ??

Somebody knows about that ??


Edson - from brazil