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Topic review


I would kindly like to ask the administrator of this Forum to please answer my question(s).

How do I download and in turn use WinSCP?

I have attempted to download your program WinSCP. When I had tried to use it all that appeared on my screen was a window with a cursor flashing in the upper right. I was not permitted to use WinSCP in the incarnation of it that I had downloaded. Please instruct me how to properly download WinSCP.

Please briefly inform me how to utilize WinSCP to upload proxies to my website. The present proxy file that I had been trying to upload is too large for Fake Hits Genie to permit me to manually upload it by conventional means. The Administrator of the Fake Hits Genie Support Forum has advised me to ask you how to do so using WinSCP. It is my intention to utilize Fake Hits Genie on my web page to test the parameters of it.

Thirdly would you please assist me to copy the 1.4 megabyte working proxy file that I currently have over and over again until it is 270 megabytes in size? I have been unable to copy it further than 20 megabytes before it makes the text file freeze. This leads me to have to close it.
Here is the URL of my web page:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
Here is the URL of Fake Hits Genie in my web page index:
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
Thank you in advance for your assistance it is very much appreciated.