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Corrupt file solution

Changing the transfer mode to binary according to a post in the forum worked

Corrupt file

I am also facing this issue it's a Linux machine to Windows the transferred file size is larger than the original.

Thank you so much for investigating this. I will report the problem to the service provider.

I believe it's server-side problem.

Here, WinSCP asked for data at position 2587645 (00,00,00,00,00,27,7B,FD) with size 32755 (00,00,7F,F3)
> 2018-05-21 07:04:41.933 Type: SSH_FXP_READ, Size: 25, Number: 52997

> 2018-05-21 07:04:41.933 05,00,00,CF,05,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,27,7B,FD,00,00,7F,F3,

What is beyond end of file (2587645 + 32755 > 2613760), so the server should return only 26115 bytes. But it did return 26947 bytes (00,00,69,43), for a reason I cannot explain:

< 2018-05-21 07:04:42.880 Type: SSH_FXP_DATA, Size: 26956, Number: 52997

< 2018-05-21 07:04:42.886 67,00,00,CF,05,00,00,69,43,A7,88,A7,98,A7,A8,A7,B8,A7,C8,A7,D8,A7,E8,A7,F8,

I cannot explain why FileZilla works, but it can be just a coincidence, due to a different requests sizes that FileZilla can be using.

Here is the file after download. Please unzip it.

Here is the file before download. Please unzip it.

Thank you for looking into it. Yes, it has a different size. It becomes larger after download. I attached a debug 2 log file. I will send the file in another post.

Thanks for the logs.
Regarding the first transfer of file test.dll: So you can see the file as having 2613760 bytes in a remote panel. And after you download it, it has a different size, right? Smaller or larger? Can we have a copy of the file before and after? Can you attach a log file on level Debug 2?

Here is another log file. For the first download, the file size changed. The last 2 downloads were good.

Looks like the problem has something to do with the file size. There is no problem if the file is smaller than 2M. The log for a good transfer is attached.

File downloaded via WinSCP is corrupted

File can be transferred to server correctly. But when file is transferred back to local computer in WinSCP, the file size changes. A log file is attached. Both FileZilla and scp command work without this issue. Could you please take a look? Your help is appreciated.