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Re: synchronize but change file type

Sorry, no idea :-(

Re: synchronize but change file type

a .gjf and a .com can both being read as a text file. They are just specifics to run a high level quantum mechanics calculation and the remote computer is a server where I can submit the calculations to a supercomputer. But for some reason the supercomuters must have the files in a .com format. So I want to be able to save things as usual (.gjf) on my computer but synchronize them so that the same files (just different extensions, .com) are on the server so I can go in and run the calculation. Any ideas.

martin wrote:

What it would be good for?

You can change the extension while downloading/uploading using operation mask. I do not see how this could work for synchronization as the directories would not be actually synchronized after such "synchronization".

Re: synchronize but change file type

What it would be good for?

You can change the extension while downloading/uploading using operation mask. I do not see how this could work for synchronization as the directories would not be actually synchronized after such "synchronization".

synchronize but change file type

Is there a way to set up the synchronization but change a file type when it sychronizes. So if you have .gif on the local and everytime it copies to remote you want to change it to .com and visa versa.