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Re: Timestamps problems

Have you read this page? I hope it explains you the problem. If not, please come back.

Timestamps problems

I had the similar problem with timezones.
But it was a little bit more strange: with version 3.78 (when started 'naked', without INI or registry settings) it shows timestamps correctly.
However, with the later versions (3.80-82) it shows (and copies) wrong t-ss?!?!
Than I found this advice (DST adjustment) and now it copies t-s right, but in server window timestamps are still wrong, although they are correct from shell window (PuTTy)?

What is wrong?

Regards, Aca

it's me again, the problem doesn't exist with sftp, i'm gonna use that from now on :)

Re: timestamp problems

yeah i found that but the server is in the same time zone as i am, and as i told, some dates are correct, and some are not. i tried what you told, +1 and -1, but then I couldn't download any files. it says it couldn't start scp remoty, but no useful error message

martin wrote:

If you use SCP, you may specify time offset on SCP tab of login dialog. With SFTP you should not have these problems. If you do, let me know :-)

Re: timestamp problems

If you use SCP, you may specify time offset on SCP tab of login dialog. With SFTP you should not have these problems. If you do, let me know :-)

timestamp problems

different time zones or something confuse winscp. timestamp is set to be preserved, i copy files from remote to local, and sometimes there is a one hour difference, it depends on the date, maybe DST is the problem. i use winscp to backup a remote site to my computer, and directory comparison always says there's a difference between these files. and it's baaaaaaaad