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Topic review


Please send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version to trace this down.

The error seems to come before any actual connection is made. I don't have a log file, specifying the /log option doesn't create a log file for this particular attempt (/log=c:\log.txt, for example, doesn't create the log.txt file unless it actually connects, as far as I can tell)

I run the session as follows:
winscp3 (name of saved session)

The saved session connects fine in the GUI.

Attempting to connect using by providing the information instead of the session, ex:
winscp3 scp://

works fine on other machines on the network, but not this one. It results in the same EAccessViolation.


Re: Yet another EAccessViolation

At what stage do you get the error? Can you post a log file? How do you open a session from command line?

Yet another EAccessViolation

I don't understand what might be causing this. I can login to a server using the WinSCP (3.8.2) GUI, but attempting to login to the same server using the command line results in the EAccessViolation. In fact, even saving the session that successfully connects in the GUI and attempting to connect from command line using that session name will result in the EAccessViolation message. The connection is attempting to use SCP, not SFTP if that seems relevant.

The exact command line works perfectly on another machine.