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Thanks. I'll try to reproduce the problem.

When I start WinSCP on the laptop (main monitor) it works fine, like you describe it.
When I start WinSCP on the extended screen (ACER) it shows my problem with a small list view.

So can you please answer my questions above to allow me to reproduce the problem?
Can you post screenshots of the monitors setup in Display pane of Windows Settings? If you have multiple monitors, on what monitor do you start WinSCP and the Find window?

Hi again, you are right, it has to do with the monitor I'm using. It works fine as you describe it on my laptop screen (HP Zbook). But on my extended screen (ACER X34 P) it has the problems I described.

Well, it should not behave like this. The results list view should always occupy whole Find window. I've never had report of this strange behavior before.

I see on your screenshots that even after you resize the window, it does not fix it. The view still occupies only part of the window.

What is your monitor setup? Do you have multiple monitors? Can you post screenshots of the monitors setup in Display pane of Windows Settings? If you have multiple monitors, on what monitor do you start WinSCP and the Find window?

Hi Martin,
I'm attaching a picture of what I mean. When I have the popup window small, I didn't see the resulting list view (red). It would have been nice if it automatically expanded to all the space in the popup window (blue), then I would see it right away. It was hidden for me, and I thought something was wrong with how I wrote my mask.

I'm sorry, but I do not understand what you mean by "list view use a larger area of the popup window, so that you can see that it is there".

Also, now that you have resized the Find window (and the new size should be remembered), does the list view show each time right away, when you open the window? And if you make the Find window smaller again, does the list stop showing?

Hi, I colleague asked me to resize the Find File popup window. And then, at a certain size the list view started to show! :)
Thanks for your help.
(maybe this could be changed in the future so that the list view use a larger area of the popup window, so that you can see that it is there?

removed Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\FindFile, then started WinSCP. Still small list view. Is it required to restart the laptop in between?

Re: Find files result window too small (unreadable)

Would deleting the following registry key help?
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Martin Prikryl\WinSCP 2\Configuration\Interface\FindFile

Re: Find files result window too small (unreadable)

Hi! No, when I click on find, the list view is small. I don't remember when I last saw it with the right size. It has been like this a while for me. :)

Re: Find files result window too small (unreadable)

So is the list view there with the right size, when you open the Find window? And only once you click Start, it shrinks?

Find files result window too small (unreadable)

When entering a criteria in the "File mask" field and pressing "Start", I get the result in a very small resultbox. I can not expand it in any way. But if I press "Copy results" and paste it into an editor, I can see the searched files. What can be wrong?
I'm on a Windows 11 Enterprise, using WinSCP version 6.1.2 (Build 13797 2023-09-19)