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Topic review


Thank you, works like a charm :)
PS C:\somefolder\Test> csc -r:"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll" -t:exe .\testwinscp.cs

Re: How to use WinSCP simply with C# csc compiler?

Based on csc.exe reference external .dll file, this works:
csc /r:WinSCPnet.dll /t:exe .\dosomejob.cs

Assuming you have contents of the ".NET Assembly" package (the WinSCPnet.dll and WinSCP.exe) in the same folder.

How to use WinSCP simply with C# csc compiler?

Beginner in C# question, please be patient :)
I see some nice manuals on how to get WinSCP working with NuGet or in Visual Studio. I currently have no possibility for those. I just use a source code file (dosomejob.cs) and compiler to produce my exe file (dosomejob.exe).
PS C:\jobs\somejob> csc -t:exe .\dosomejob.cs

How do I get WinSCP working with just the csc compiler?
Can I point to the WinSCP exe or dll from my source code file?