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Re: WinSCP

amsel wrote:

why is there no possibility to move the home folder to C:/ so that it does not always jump to the WINSCP directory?

Sorry, but I do not understand. What is "WINSCP directory"? Maybe few screenshots might help explaining the problem better.

That would be something useful. And what also bothers me is that when I edit and save a file on the server, WinSCP always sets the rights to root, which was not the case before.

Maybe the file you are editing (probably using the root account) is large enough so that a transfer via a temporary file is used. If you do not like it, turn it off.


Good day,
why is there no possibility to move the home folder to C:/ so that it does not always jump to the WINSCP directory? That would be something useful. And what also bothers me is that when I edit and save a file on the server, WinSCP always sets the rights to root, which was not the case before.

mfg amsel