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Re: Port-forwarding on IPv6 works locally but not from different network

This looks like more like networking than WinSCP question.
Consider asking elsewhere. E.g. on Super User.

Port-forwarding on IPv6 works locally but not from different network

Prefacing this in that I have absolutely minimal technical knowledge.
So I went through a youtube tutorial to do this: I set a static IPv4 address on the device I want access to, enabled port-forwarding on the router through port 22, then got the IPv6 address of the device and successfully accessed it from a laptop on the WLAN of the same network using WinSCP. However, when I swapped to a mobile hotspot to test it from a different network, I get the error
Network error: Network is unreachable.

I tried both the permanent and temporary IPv6 addresses and both worked on the local network but not on hotspot. Is it maybe an issue of testing from a hotspot? Or something wrong in my setup? I don't mind saying I'm out of my depth here. Any and all help is appreciated.