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Topic review


If your key is protected with passphrase, the someone won't be able to login without knowing the passphrase.

And if security is your concern, don't leave your computer unlocked and unattended.

Sure that's true but how does that help with someone walking up to my PC opening WinSCP and causing havoc?

Re: Enable use of a Master Password to open WinSCP

Then you need to protect your key files. Protecting WinSCP won't prevent the attackers from stealing your key files.

Enable use of a Master Password to open WinSCP

Right now if someone has access to my PC they can open WinSCP and login to my sites as I use SSH Keys, not Passwords.

My request is to be able to have a Master App Password that needs to be entered before any Site or Workspace can be opened. Or better still before the Login Dialog can be opened. The current Master Password does not accomplish is.

I have been using WinSCP for many years now and I personally see this as a major security issue.

Thanks for your consideration.