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Topic review


So please try it.
I do not see any TimeoutException in the log anyway.

Thanks for the reply! No, I have not tried the session timeout yet, here is the debug file.

Re: Downloading larger folders gives TimeoutException

Did you try setting longer Session.Timeout?

Or post debug log – Session.DebugLogPath.

Downloading larger folders gives TimeoutException

I have been struggling with this for a week now trying to solve it myself but I can't figure it out so I thought I try the forum 😅

Here is the problem: when I use Session.GetFiles for a folder that's containing a lot of files, my application breaks on a TimeoutException saying "Timeout waiting for WinSCP to respond".
However, downloading a folder with little files in it or downloading just one file works completely fine.

Is there anything I'm missing? I added the log with this topic.

Edit: Forgot to mention that my FileZilla server shows connections and transfers just fine, so it is doing something.