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Topic review


Re: Compliance help

You can email it to me. You can find my email address in my forum profile.

Though I hope the assessment is public in the end, so that others can use it.

Re: Compliance help

Thanks for getting back to me on this and having the willingness to answer the online assessment. Each question has extra explanation as to what it is asking.

Is it possible to send you private message on the forum? The link is specific to WinSCP and I would hate for someone else to click on it and answer.

Thanks again and Merry Christmas.

Russell Cowdrey
Compliance Team
Medieval Times

Re: Compliance help

We do not have any of those.
I can try to fill one of these, if you post a link and provide any hints to make it as seamless as possible.

Compliance help

Hi Martin,

Thanks for creating such a useful application and supporting it for all these years. I work for a mid-sized hospitality company in the US and we are in the process of doing some compliance work which requires us to perform a security risk assessment with the vendor, unless you are able to provide a security framework certification such as SOC2 or ISO27001. Is it possible for you to provide one of those for WinSCP and if not, would you be willing to fill out an online risk assessment?

Thanks for you help,