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Topic review


Re: AutoStartSession does not Exist

@datex2: Sorry, I do not follow. I've asked @Wee to delete the option, in case s/he has it set. If you do not have it set, why do you want to define it? What are you trying to achieve?

AutoStartSession does not Exist

You mentioned Interface\AutoStartSession but such an option doesn't exist
Do you have an example how to defined that?

Cleaning up did it!

No that's fine, I'm asking because the session to be opened can be part of the shortcut you use to start WinSCP. But if you are using the standard shortcut, there should not be any session set, unless you have changed it. But still, you can check this possibility.

Another way is that the Interface\AutoStartSession option set in WinSCP configuration.

Hmmm.. inside the start menu, I go to "All Programs"... "WinSCP" then WinSCP.

Is there another way to start it which is preferred?


Re: Automatic login upon starting up -Wee

How exactly do you start WinSCP?

Automatic login upon starting up


I would like to use winscp to login to various servers and transfer files.
I expect to enter the connection information each time I start up winscp. Unfortunately, the first time I ran it, I believe I saved it.

Now, every time I start it up, it automatically tries to connect. It then gives me a blank window saying (not responding). I have no choice but to close the window.

I tried to uninstall it and start over. But it keeps having the same issue. The versions are 4.3 and 4.2.9.

I am guessing some ini file needs to be updated...
I also tried to search online, but did not find anything.
