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Thanks for your feedback.

Hello Martin!
Maybe it would be useful for you that this issue isn't appearing at 6.2.2 beta.

Edit the log file any way you need to exclude the information you do not want to share. Note that you can also post the log as a private attachment. Or email it to me, if you prefer.

Hi Martin.
How I can exclude confidential information from log file?

Re: 6.1.1 - SFTP - Abnormal program termination

Please attach a complete log.

I turned on logging and found something at Logs:
. 2023-07-31 02:34:37.679 [Background 3] Discarding reserved response
. 2023-07-31 02:34:37.679 [Background 3] Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0
. 2023-07-31 02:34:37.679 [Background 3] Attempt to close connection due to fatal exception:
* 2023-07-31 02:34:37.679 [Background 3] Received SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA for nonexistent channel 0
. 2023-07-31 02:34:37.679 [Background 3] Closing connection.
. 2023-07-31 02:34:37.679 [Background 3] Fatal error while disposing the SFTP queue.

6.1.1 – SFTP – Abnormal program termination

Hello dude!
While uploading files by SFTP after some time I get an error "Abnormal program termination" for sessions.