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Re: WinSCP is truly great

Thanks for your kind words!

WinSCP is truly great

I don't have a feature request at the moment. I just wanted to tell the developers that this software is truly exceptional, and thank you. I appreciate software that is lean and yet powerful, so well-engineered, and free for all to use.

I have so impressed over the years that when I wonder whether WinSCP can do x or y, the answer is usually yes, and it works without a lot of BS. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there using specialized paid software to do things that WinSCP can do in a way that's faster and better!

Nowadays we just see so much bloat, popups, hidden tricks, gimmicky features, even paid subscriptions to software that we ought to be able to buy upfront. This is software that has simply worked, in a solid way, for a long time. I just wanted to express my appreciation, and keep up the great work.
