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Topic review

Likhith P

Thank you Martin for your response, yes it is caused by reloading the huge directory.
We have disabled and tested the auto refresh option it our client seems to be considering this solution.

Thank you,
Likhith P

Re: Slowness for uploading/deleting files on S3

You didn't post any logs, so I can only guess that the delay is caused by WinSCP reloading the huge directory after the operation.
You can turn that off in preferences by turning off Automatically refresh remote directory after operation:
Though then, until you manually reload the directory, the result of the operation (upload/delete) won't be reflect on the panel.
Likhith P

Slowness for uploading/deleting files on S3

Hello Guys,

We are connecting to an S3 bucket and one of the folders has 19K+ files.
The problem is that when we try to upload/delete any file from the directory it takes approximately a minute for the transaction to get finished.

While the other directories on the same S3 bucket which have either lesser number of files or empty, finish the activities of uploading/deleting the files instantly.

Are there any configuration settings we can change or apply that will speed up the process of uploading/deleting for the directory that has a larger number of files?

One of our clients stated that this time delay in uploading/deleting affects their business needs so any help is appreciated.

Thank you,
Likhith P