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Re: Single file transfer generated twice in destination

The file is always transferred only once. Though, indeed if you have Transfer to Temporary Filename enabled, the transferred file is renamed to final name after the transfer, what may be recognized as second "new" file by Azure.

But once you have that off, I do not see what else can be the problem.
Anyway, post a session log file, if you want us to look deeper.

Single file transfer generated twice in destination

I am using WinSCP to drop a pdf file in an Azure storage container. This will cause an Azure function to trigger and process the file. When I drop the file, I noticed that the function got triggered 2 times. Looks like WinSCP first creates the file in the container and then once all the data is transferred, creates the final version of the file and that is why 2 triggers happens.
I have disabled temporary file name creation in Preferences > Endurance and I transfer the file using Binary settings. I use SFTP protocol as well. I also set Filename modification in Edit transfer settings preset to No Change and unchecked Replace checkbox, checked Preserve timestamp and unchecked Calculate total size checkbox. I also set Speed to unlimited. See attached file.

Is there a way for me to configure WinSCP such that when I upload a pdf file to the Azure container, it creates the file only once?
Appreciate the help.