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My bad. The sessions are there, just under the Tab option

Apologies. The saved sessions are all still there. Just under the New Tab option.
Everything good. A bit confusing to navigate though.

While I'm on the forum, I find the Batch file commands very useful, esp. the rename option.
Thanks so much for a great program.


Happened to me, also

I had about a dozen sessions stored in WinSCP. On updating to the latest version, all of the sessions are lost. In fact, I can't see how to add a new session anymore.

Re: Lost all stored sessions after New Year

In that case, your session are most likely unfortunately lost.
I do not see how it could have happened. Sorry.

Re: Lost all stored sessions after New Year

Unfortunately after restarting WinSCP just created new blank WinSCP.ini file.

Re: Lost all stored sessions after New Year

No defaults have changed.
Close WinSCP, rename (or move away) the WinSCP.ini file. And start WinSCP again to see if anything changes.

Re: Lost all stored sessions after New Year

Thank you for the answer.
Of course, here is the screenshot (in Polish).
I didn't change any of these settings. I just use WinSCP once in a while since many years. Maybe some of the previous versions had such settings as default and they just left?

Re: Lost all stored sessions after New Year

This is strange. First, WinSCP (if installed) normally stores configuration to Windows registry, not INI file. Did you opt to use INI file in WinSCP preferences? Second, it does not store the INI file to Local\Programs\WinSCP folder, it stores it to Roaming folder. Again, unless you somehow explicitly configured it to use this unusual location. Did you?

Can you post a screenshot of this screen?

Lost all stored sessions after New Year

Today I have launched my WinSCP (v. 5.21.7) for the first time after New Year.

I was surprised to see that the session list was empty. I lost all my data. I found the WinSCP.ini file in the /Users/(...)/AppData/Local/Programs/WinSCP/ folder, but its modification date is the time I launched the application today (all other files in this folder are older, from months before), and the file only contains this:

Is there any chance to recover lost sessions?