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Re: Follow Symlink does not work

I assume the previous target of the symlink in cached into WinSCP configuration.
You should run your script in an isolated environment, using /ini=nul, so it does not get affected by any cache:

The FollowDirectorySymlinks has nothing to do to with this.

Follow Symlink does not work

I use version 6.1.2 of WinSCP and I try to use the following script to reach a folder on a linux machine.

open ftp://user:password@ -hostkey="ssh-rsa 1024 1e:12:13:3e:08:bb:d4:7a:02:b8:5d:29:93:fe:df:14" -rawsettings FollowDirectorySymlinks=1
cd /deployments/approval/latest/files/plugins/uploads

The folder latest in the path is a symlink, that points to the current release version.

WinSCP gets it wrong. It interprets it as release-11 not release-13.

In the screenshot you can see the filesystem output of the symlink. What is wrong in my script?