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Ok, let me know.

Thank you. Strangely(?) the queue hasn't been going empty lately. I'll use the debug version and keep monitoring.

Re: Often, queue empty after wake from hibernation

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Often, queue empty after wake from hibernation

Hi. What a great program! :)

I do experience an issue though: our Internet goes to "sleep" at night and so I hibernate my laptop with active items in the queue. This shouldn't be a problem as it should resume after waking up the computer. However, often (always?) I'm greeted with an empty queue when I wake up the computer (yet I know the queue didn't finish from the night before).

Any ideas on what I can do to preserve the queue, stop it from disappearing?


PS To resume, I typically click Upload again and choose to transfer "New and updated files" only.