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Re: How to transfer file from one server to other server using command prompt?

That article is about WinSCP GUI.
If you want to automate moving files (transferring – to be exact) between two remote servers from a local machine, then you need to run an appropriate command (like scp/sftp/wget) on one of the servers. That's not really task for WinSCP. You can do it using the call command. But that's an overkill, if you do not use WinSCP for anything else. An ssh or plink are more appropriate tools for executing a command on a remote server.

Re: How to transfer file from one server to other server using command prompt?

I found it in docs
that's why I posted it here.
Can you please tell me where I get any solution for this?
We want to transfer files from one server to another server via automation using WinSCP.

How to transfer file from one server to other server using command prompt?

We are trying to transfer file from one server to other server with command prompt script but getting error with the code.
What is correct code or script for server to server file transfer?
We are trying this code
wget/mget sftp://user:user@pass@

We want transfer a file from our one server to other server using sftp command to automate it but not getting proper code for it.
If anyone knows anything about this transfer please let us know. We are trying to find it from so long time.