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Re: get command is intermittently skipped by WinSCP script but the following rename command works fine

Please post your complete script and its log file. Give us a name of the file that was skipped in that specific session.

get command is intermittently skipped by WinSCP script but the following rename command works fine

WinSCP version (6.1.2).

I am running get command followed by rename command in a scheduled WinSCP batch file.
Whole day the files are "get" from SFTP server and also "renamed" on the remote server properly. Only 1 or 2 files are silently skipped every day at some point of time but the rename command works fine for them too.

Any idea if this bug is already reported?
echo cd /Home/wbpo_gmi_futures_CV/MS
echo get MONR_Third_Party_*  D:\Clearvision\CVX_PROD_BMO\inputfiles\MS\BDM\
echo rename MONR_Third_Party_*  XXXX*
