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Re: Error writing to file/home/ftp_ads/qualityAssurance

karthikn_it wrote:

While we writing to the file in ftp:an error occured

""Error writing to file/home/ftp_ads/qualityAssurance""

Please post a full error message or log file.

Error writing to file/home/ftp_ads/qualityAssurance

While we writing to the file in ftp:an error occured

""Error writing to file/home/ftp_ads/qualityAssurance""

pls give me a solution imm....

I am waiting for your reply..
Thank u

My address is -->

Re: Copying files from remote side failed. Unknown file type

Wooff wrote:

ok, I did to email you have on your personal webpages...

The server returns undefined file type when checking attributes of directory to be entered.

Re: Copying files from remote side failed. Unknown file type

martin wrote:

Please e-mail me a log file and "debug 2" level, so I can check it closely. However it seems like a server-side bug.

ok, I did to email you have on your personal webpages...

Re: Copying files from remote side failed. Unknown file type (0)

Please e-mail me a log file and "debug 2" level, so I can check it closely. However it seems like a server-side bug.

System details

... sorry the fingers are faster then brain ((-:

Client system:
WinSCP381 (build 328)
WindowsXP (network users NICE organizations)
P4 3GH 512RAM

Server system:
Titan SFTP server SHA-1 UTF-8 enable

Copying files from remote side failed. Unknown file type (0)

I don't know how to solve this problem. There is this error at the end of every downloaded file
Copying files from remote side failed. Unknown file type (0)

The file is downloaded properly, I can find it in the directory with .filepart extension added. If I delete this .filepart - the file is OK and I can use it normally. But it's really not comfortable to receive this error window message at the end of every downloaded file.
Any idea? Maybe it's something stupid ... but I spend with it several hours and I can not find it ))-:
Thanks...have a nice day ((-:
PS: ICQ:devětdevětjednatřisedmnulačtyřišest