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Re: File transfer is not as expected through FTP

How did you made the modification?
The binary transfer transfers the file intact. If the script does not work after the binary transfer, the script must had bad format even before the transfer. Your editor likely modified the script format to one that your Unix server does not support. It might have changed line ending format or text encoding.

File transfer is not as expected through FTP

I am facing a strange issue when transferring file through WinSCP FTP tool. I downloaded a shell script file from server and made some minor modification. Uploaded this file on same UNIX server through WinSCP Tool.

When I select Transfer settings as Binary, Shell script doesn't work properly and failed. Even generated log file didn't open.

When I select Transfer settings as TEXT it worked properly.

Also, when I set Transfer settings as ASCII in File transfer through FTP command in Terminal, even it didn't work.

Please suggest some way through which I can overcome this situation.