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I had the same problem of 15 sec.

I had the same problem of 15 sec.
the problem was that i was trying to connect Winscp to an FTP direction and it was missing to espesify that it was a FTP connection instead of a SSH connection.

At the end the bat file is this one:
C:\ftp\winscp419.exe /console /script=C:\ftp\put.txt /log=C:\ftp\log.txt

and the put.txt is this one:

option batch on
option confirm off
open FTP://user:password@IP:PORT
cd /out
option transfer binary
put c:\ftp\asdf.txt

I hope it help to some one

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Thanks. I'll upgrade WinSCP to PuTTY 0.59 as soon as possible.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Martin--I think this has something to do with PuTTy version. I have two OpenSSH servers: server1 is version 3.7 and server2 is 4.3p2-hpm. Using PuTTy 0.58, if I SSH or telnet to server1 the username prompt is instantaneous. If I SSH or telnet to server2 I get a hang of about 15 seconds before I'm prompted for a username. This is the same thing that happens in my WinSCP script. If I use PuTTY 0.59 both prompts are instantaneous, regardless of protocol. I've tested using a couple recent versions of WinSCP all with the same result which leads me to believe it's a PuTTY thing. Hope it helps.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

STA05 wrote:

Is the message "Host has not answered for 15 seconds" is pre-fixed?
As i have changed timeout to 30 seconds and still getting the message "Host has not answered for 15 seconds".

No it is not. Your settings seem to not to be taken into account.

Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Hi Prikryl
Is the message "Host has not answered for 15 seconds" is pre-fixed?
As i have changed timeout to 30 seconds and still getting the message "Host has not answered for 15 seconds". It confused me whether the pre-configured stored session is working or not.
Currently, i'm using version 3.8.2 . Looking forward your next version release to automatic reconnect when encounter this message "Host has not answered for 15 seconds"


Re: same: host has not answered problem

I have looked thru the docs, bugs and found this posting -- I have not written any scripts, winSCP (ver382 was downloaded/installed in September 06) was working fine until about a week ago. Other GUI ftps and command line ftps are working fine to same server (with no changes) from same machine/same network.

message is Host has not answered for 15 seconds.
Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing 'Abort' button will close session. ()

When do you get the message? Also I'm not sure if it happens in GUI or in script.

same: host has not answered problem

I have looked thru the docs, bugs and found this posting -- I have not written any scripts, winSCP (ver382 was downloaded/installed in September 06) was working fine until about a week ago. Other GUI ftps and command line ftps are working fine to same server (with no changes) from same machine/same network.

message is Host has not answered for 15 seconds.
Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing 'Abort' button will close session. ()

Changing the timeout to 16 overcame the problem -- but it would be good to know just why >all of a sudden<, and for no apparent reason, this happened...

Thanks for any info

PS jfyi, I am logged in, but when trying to submit I am being told my username has already been taken.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Anonymous wrote:

I have been fighting this same problem for a while. would you mind please sending me a copy of the patched version?

I do not have a patched version. I can provide you only an aplha version of the next release. On your risk :-)

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

I have been fighting this same problem for a while. would you mind please sending me a copy of the patched version?

Thanks, winscp has been a life saver!

Thanks for your fast answer - Workaround works fine!

alidego wrote:

The Command Line looks that: /console /script=solo.scr /ini=server.ini >out

It does not get any setting from the ini!
It asks for the username, but the username is in the ini.
It does not change Timeout.

I read all doku so what am I doing wrong?

There's seems to be a minor bug. Workaround is to specify full path to an INI file or to name the INI file winscp3.ini (then you need not to use the /ini parameter).

I have the same Problem:

The server I try to connect to always needs more than 15 secs to response.

I made a ini File called 'server.ini':

The script is as follows:
option batch on
option confirm off
open server
cd /home/user

The Command Line looks that: /console /script=solo.scr /ini=server.ini >out

And the output looks this:
User name:
Searching for host...
Host does not exist
No session.
No session.
No session.

It does not get any setting from the ini!
It asks for the username, but the username is in the ini.
It does not change Timeout.

I read all doku so what am I doing wrong?

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

icerra wrote:

Can I have the pre-release version sent to and
Thanks for your kind attention

Will do, once it is bit more stable (in couple of days).

Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Can I have the pre-release version sent to and
Thanks for your kind attention

Have a nice day

Re: Thanks, but still can't do it

I'm sorry Martin, I don't know how to do that. Could you please explain how to pre-configure the session and then use the session? I'm a beginner at this type of scripting, so I'm unsure of what to do.

Start the GUI. Setup all the options you need (including the timeout) and save it on the Stored session tab. The you can use scripting command "open saved_session_name" to load the options.

Re: Thanks, but still can't do it

martin wrote:

Simplest thing to do is to pre-configure the stored session with timeout set to longer value and use the sesssion from your script.

I'm sorry Martin, I don't know how to do that. Could you please explain how to pre-configure the session and then use the session? I'm a beginner at this type of scripting, so I'm unsure of what to do.


Re: Thanks, but still can't do it

Steve wrote:

I read through the FAQ, but I don't see any mention of timeouts. Is there a certain command I can use? How can I change the timeout for WinSCP using shell script or perl?

Simplest thing to do is to pre-configure the stored session with timeout set to longer value and use the sesssion from your script.

Thanks, but still can't do it

Hi Martin,

I read through the FAQ, but I don't see any mention of timeouts. Is there a certain command I can use? How can I change the timeout for WinSCP using shell script or perl?


Re: Timing Out

Steve wrote:

I have looked through the message boards and cannot find a posted solution. Could you please link to it, so that I will be able to follow the instructions?

You can change the timeout directly in script, but this FAQ may give you some idea for workaround.

Re: Timing Out

martin wrote:

You can change the timeout as suggested in some of my previous postings.

Hi Martin,

I have looked through the message boards and cannot find a posted solution. Could you please link to it, so that I will be able to follow the instructions?


Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

beginner wrote:

I am also getting this error, but not due to large file downloads. I am just trying to do some MySQL commands, and get the problem when I just type the following in the Terminal:

mysql -u fielddatauser -p

You cannot use an interactive commands from console. Please read documentation.

Host has not answered for 15 seconds

I am also getting this error, but not due to large file downloads. I am just trying to do some MySQL commands, and get the problem when I just type the following in the Terminal:

mysql -u fielddatauser -p

Would my running an old version of Windows O/S be part of the problem?


Re: Timing Out

Steve wrote:

I think what the people above are asking about is to have the "15 second" timeout be a variable set by the user. For example, I would set the timeout at about 2 or 3 minutes, which would probably allow sufficient time for the download to occur and prevent the popup from coming up.

You can change the timeout as suggested in some of my previous postings.

Timing Out

Hi Martin,

I love WinSCP and use it religiously. I am having the same problem as others - namely, when I am automatically downloading large files (200MB+) by FTP (wget or get) using a script invoked in the console, after 15 seconds I get the popup that asks me to "abort" or "retry". Since it takes a few minutes for a 200MB file to download, the popup comes up several times during the download.

I think what the people above are asking about is to have the "15 second" timeout be a variable set by the user. For example, I would set the timeout at about 2 or 3 minutes, which would probably allow sufficient time for the download to occur and prevent the popup from coming up.

Again, thanks so much for your wonderful product. :)


Re: extending server response timeout in console mode and script

carlitos wrote:

There does not appear to be a way to specify the server response timeout on the command-line. This precludes its usefullness in connecting to some servers. A named session can be used on the commandline, after specifying the timeout option via the GUI.

The next version will be able to resume automatically from timeout once the server finally replies.

extending server response timeout in console mode and script

There does not appear to be a way to specify the server response timeout on the command-line. This precludes its usefullness in connecting to some servers. A named session can be used on the commandline, after specifying the timeout option via the GUI.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Anon. wrote:

I am also very interested in this solution. I tried setting the Keeplive option in the WinSCP3 session that i use but saving it with a new value does'nt seem to stick to the session. Is it possible to modify the keepalive settings through a script at the time of connection?

It has nothing to do with keepalive, if you mean the same problem as the other guest.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

guest wrote:

Any suggestions on how to set the timeout of a session within a script? I have the same problem due to a long running host script (1-2 minutes).

First, please read this FAQ. The next version of WinSCP will be able to automatically resume from timeout if the server finally answer. If it is urgent I can provide you with pre-release version, just send me your email.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

guest wrote:

Any suggestions on how to set the timeout of a session within a script? I have the same problem due to a long running host script (1-2 minutes).

I am relly interested in an answer!

I am also very interested in this solution. I tried setting the Keeplive option in the WinSCP3 session that i use but saving it with a new value does'nt seem to stick to the session. Is it possible to modify the keepalive settings through a script at the time of connection?

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Any suggestions on how to set the timeout of a session within a script? I have the same problem due to a long running host script (1-2 minutes).

I am relly interested in an answer!

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

martin wrote:

Is it possible that the command takes more than the 15 seconds? Then you can set longer timeout to solve this.

It looks like it's not taking that long to finish but I did want to try changing this setting.

Re: Host has not answered for 15 seconds

Is it possible that the command takes more than the 15 seconds? Then you can set longer timeout to solve this.

Host has not answered for 15 seconds

I created a script to login cp files to a directory, get the files, rm them and then grab more. On one of the cp commands the machines times out with the error below

. 2006-06-13 13:37:42.153 Host has not answered for 15 seconds.
. 2006-06-13 13:37:42.153 Wait for another 15 seconds? Pressing 'Abort' button will close session. ()
. 2006-06-13 13:38:00.451 Attempt to close connection due to fatal exception:

On the machine that I am connecting to all the files get moved w/ 15 seconds but the get command does not execute. Is there an attribute I can set to bypass this or is there any other way around it?

Here is the script:

option transfer binary

call mkdir /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG

cd ../../../opt/novadigm/ConfigurationServer/log/
call find . -name 'nvd100_manager-[0-9]*' -exec cp {} ../../../../home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG \;
cd /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG
get * C:\TEST\
call rm *

cd ../../../opt/novadigm/ConfigurationServer/log/
call find . -name 'nvd100_user-[0-9]*' -exec cp {} ../../../../home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG \;
cd /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG
get * C:\TEST\
call rm *

cd ../../../opt/novadigm/ConfigurationServer/log/
call find . -name 'nvd401_manager-[0-9]' -exec cp {} ../../../../home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG \;
cd /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG
get * C:\TEST\
call rm *

cd ../../../opt/novadigm/ConfigurationServer/log/
call find . -name 'nvd401_user-[0-9]' -exec cp {} ../../../../home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG \;
cd /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG
get * C:\TEST\
call rm *

cd ../../../opt/novadigm/ConfigurationServer/log/
call find . -name 'nvds100_manager_[0-9]*' -exec cp {} ../../../../home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG \;
cd /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG
get * C:\TEST\
call rm *

cd ../../../opt/novadigm/ConfigurationServer/log/
call find . -name 'nvds401_manager_[0-9]*' -exec cp {} ../../../../home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG \;
cd /home/radia/TEMPBACKUPLOG
get * C:\TEST\
call rm *