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Topic review


Urgent Request: CVE-2024-31497 Patch for WinSCP all Versions <= 6.3.2

Dear WinSCP-Support-Team,

I am reaching out to you regarding a critical security issue concerning your application "WinSCP", which we utilize within our company. It has come to our attention that this application is affected by a critical security vulnerability listed under CVE-2024-31497. This vulnerability poses a significant risk to the security of our systems and data.

We urgently require a patch or security update to address this CVE so that we can promptly remediate the security vulnerability. Without such a patch, we may need to consider uninstalling the affected application on our clients to minimize the risk of potential exploitation of the security flaw.

Could you please provide us with an update on the status of the patch for the mentioned CVE and an estimate of when we can expect an update release?

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention and assistance in addressing this security issue.

Best regards,
