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Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

@IT_Trev: Thanks. The error comes from a check for MSI installation. I believe you had some broken MSI installation before. Installing/uninstalling the MSI cleared that problem probably.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

I should have given you more details.
To continue from my previous comment:

  • I uninstalled the MSI version with no issues.

    • (It was installed by mistake and it took me a bit to realize I had installed the MSI version. Once I realized I couldn't use the MSI without other work, I decided I would just use the exe install version).

  • I installed the exe version with no issues.

After all that, and after posting here, I tried to reproduce the problem, but I could not.

  • I uninstalled the .exe version of 6.3.3.
  • I installed the .exe version of 5.21.1.
  • I installed the .exe version of 6.3.3 directly, while 5.21.1 was installed.

    • previously, this is where I got the error 90:902
    • this time I got no errors

  • I uninstalled 6.3.3, installed 5.21.1, and installed 6.3.3 on top of 5.21.1 - again I had no issues.
  • note - I kept my sessions in the hkcu registry and they worked without issue.

I don't know what the problem was. There was clearly something in my install of 5.21.1 that version 6.3.3 didn't like and couldn't upgrade. After uninstalling it though, 6.3.3 was able to install. But, after removing 6.3.3 and installing 5.21.1, installing 6.3.3 on top of 5.21.1 worked without issue.

Maybe there's something that gets set in the registry or somewhere else during normal use, and uninstalling the app cleared it.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

@IT_Trev: Thanks. If you uninstall the MSI now (you won't lose your data, though if you want to be sure, you can do backup), would the exe installer start working?

If it won't, can you please try running these PowerShell commands and post their output?
$UpgradeCode = '{029F9450-CFEF-4408-A2BB-B69ECE29EB18}'
$ProductGUIDs = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Property | Where-Object {$_.Property -eq 'UpgradeCode' -and $_.value -eq $UpgradeCode}).ProductCode
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$ProductGUIDs -Contains $_.IdentifyingNumber}

(based on Finding product version using upgrade code using PowerShell)

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

  • I had the exe install version of WinSCP 5.21.1 installed
  • I tried to install the MSI version of 6.3.3 (I got the error saying I had to uninstall the exe install version before I could install the MSI version)
  • I tried to install the exe install version of 6.3.3. This is when I got the error 90:902 unknown property.
  • then I uninstalled 5.21.1 manually.
  • then I installed the MSI version of 6.3.3 successfully with no issues

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

@IT_Trev: Thanks for your report. I got lost though. What was the exact order of the installations/unintallations?

  • You had WinSCP 5 Inno Setup installation.
  • You tried WinSCP 6 MSI installations (which didn't go through)

And then?

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

I had the same issue.
@OvertDepth Thank you!

Uninstalling the version 5.21.1 that I had fixed the issue.

I'm assuming there's some incompaitiblity with removing version 5.

I had tried to use the MSI first, but it told me I had a local installed version (the inno installer version) and I had to remove it manually before I could use the MSI version
So, I tried to install with the 6.3.3 inno installer (.exe installer) and got the error. Here's the lines from the log

After I uninstalled the old version manually, I was able to install the new version.

2024-04-26 20:28:18.297 InitializeSetup raised an exception (fatal).
2024-04-26 20:28:18.298 Exception message:
2024-04-26 20:28:18.298 Message box (OK):
Runtime error (at 90:902):

Unknown property.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

martin wrote:

@OvertDepth: Haven't you used MSI installer before? Can you still reproduce the problem?

I was able to replicate this issue with both an MSI and EXE file. When I did the fresh install I did it with the MSI with out issue.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

@eleanorb: I have sent you an email too.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

@OvertDepth: Haven't you used MSI installer before? Can you still reproduce the problem?

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

The only workaround I have found was to Uninstall WinSCP and run the new installer.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

Hi, I'm having this problem too.

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

Is there a general fix for this?

Re: Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

Thanks. I'm sending you an email to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Version 6.x install issue - Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone has come across the same issue as me when installing version 6 and above. I'm constantly getting this error prompt:
Runtime Error at 90:902 Unknown property

I have also tried with logging switch nad same issue happens
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   Log opened. (Time zone: UTC+01:00)

2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   Setup version: Inno Setup version 6.2.2
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   Original Setup EXE: E:\Apps\WinSCp\WinSCP-6.1.2-Setup.exe
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   Setup command line: /SL5="$80430,10020179,930816,E:\Apps\WinSCp\WinSCP-6.1.2-Setup.exe" /LOG=C:\Logs\WinSCP_6_2_1_SetupInstall.log
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   Windows version: 10.0.19045  (NT platform: Yes)
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   64-bit Windows: Yes
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   Processor architecture: x64
2024-04-19 17:18:06.332   User privileges: Administrative
2024-04-19 17:18:06.347   Administrative install mode: No
2024-04-19 17:18:06.347   Install mode root key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER
2024-04-19 17:18:06.347   64-bit install mode: No
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Created temporary directory: C:\Users\USER~1.SUP\AppData\Local\Temp\is-G05S3.tmp
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   -- DLL function import --
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Function name: CryptStringToBinaryW
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   DLL name: crypt32.dll
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Dest DLL name: crypt32.dll
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Importing the DLL function.
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Successfully imported the DLL function. Delay loaded? No
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   InitializeSetup raised an exception (fatal).
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Exception message:
2024-04-19 17:18:06.363   Message box (OK):
                          Runtime error (at 90:902):
                          Unknown property.
2024-04-19 17:20:07.410   User chose OK.
2024-04-19 17:20:07.410   Deinitializing Setup.
2024-04-19 17:20:07.410   Log closed.

Many thanks