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Topic review


Total commander

Total commander allows this and a whole lot more. WinSCP is a PIA after having used Total Commander.

Re: 2 windows, same server

@Bumblebee: The Issue 365 is indeed for two remote servers. It seems that you believe that implementing this for one server is easier, justifying a separate Issue. I do not think so, unfortunately.

Re: 2 windows, same server

bhullIT wrote:

I'd like to move files on the same server and can do so with the 1 open window, but can I have 2 paneles open (source and destination) without having 2 sessions?

I also would like to use the 2-panel-view for file management on ONE remote server. It's just easier to compare two folders if you see them next to each other, than to click from one to the other session. And how bhullIT said it's to copy, move, sync file on ONE and the same remote server. A lot of the functionality should be there already because it is already possible to copy and move files around in the remote panel. I like this very much because the job is done completely on the remote server without transfer through the local.
Is there already an issue for? Issue 365 is for TWO remote server isn't it?

Re: 2 windows, same server

@bhullIT: WinSCP does not support that.

2 windows, same server

I'd like to move files on the same server and can do so with the 1 open window, but can I have 2 panes open (source and destination) without having 2 sessions?

@xtrips: You can drag the files between file file and the directory tree.

What about both sides being on the same remote server? That would help moving around files between different directories.

Remote on both sides

It would be useful to be able to have remote servers on both sides. Then you could copy from one server to another.

I have read the FAQ on this at but it misses the idea. WinSCP would act as a "middleman" in this case, loading the file from the source remote server into memory, and feeding it to the target remote server. You could even do this at the same time potentially.

Yes there are all sorts of network caveats associated with this but it's still feasible.

For comparison, the command line SCP command does support remote servers for both source and target arguments. For example:

is totally legitimate and will work. The scp process on local serves as a conduit between the two remote servers. WinSCP should be able to do the same.