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sunn wrote:

I am trying to do the same thing but problem is I need to have during the week 1 file and oon the weekend I need 3 files.

I need to have them by timestamp so easier to get by date. What would the code look like.

Also I am using
C:\Program Files\WinSCP\ Logininfo /script=C:\Downloads\myscript.txt

I would like to add more to the script or make a new script similar to what i am using ( basic get statement ). That file on the ftp are .gz and need to converted in excel or csv format.

I am trying to do the same thing but problem is I need to have during the week 1 file and oon the weekend I need 3 files.

I need to have them by timestamp so easier to get by date. What would the code look like.

thx! it's an inspiring answer :)

Re: How to get latest modified file?

I do not see any nice solution. One of the ugly ways that come to my mind is:
# make copy of the latest file with unique extension,

# so that it can be grabbed by file mask
# (note that you can make the copy in /tmp if needed)
call cp `ls -t | head -1` `ls -t | head -1`.latest
# download the copy, but strip the extension
get *.latest *.
# remove the copy
rm *.latest

Re: How to get latest modified file?

Let's say after we connect to a remote sftp site. By doing "ll" we got this:

31/07/2006 20:16 2,417,200 file_a
31/07/2006 22:16 2,484,770 file_b
31/07/2006 24:16 2,484,770 file_c

Timestamp of file_c has the latest timestamp.

How can we write a script to download file_c which has the latest timestamp in this directory?

Do I make myself clear in this case? Thanks!

Re: How to get latest modified file?

I do not understand what you ask for. Please try again :-)

How to get latest modified file?


How to get lastest modified timestamped file in remote folder using script?

Meaning, after "cd remote_folder", I wanna "get file", which this file has latest modification timestamp at remote directory.

Thank you!