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Topic review


Re: workaround?

No :-(
But you should still be able to use Open/Edit commands from menu (or context menu).


Thanks for your help, Martin.

Presumably there isn't a work around (apart from upgrading the server)?


Re: Double click issue

See documentation. Your server support archaic SFTP version 2. That version does not support resolving symbolic link.

Double click issue

Apologies if this is a common issue, but I've been unable to find any information in the forum/ documentation.

I'm experiencing a problem when double clicking files on a remote server. The following error keeps appearing:

Error listing directory '/path/to/file/filename.txt'.

No such file or directory.
Error code: 2
Error message from server: None
Request code: 11

This behaviour happens for all file types. I am connecting as the same user that owns the files, and I have checked that Preferences -> Environment -> Panels -> "Operation to perform on double click" is set to "Edit".

If I right click a file and select Edit, the file opens ok.

The server I'm connecting to runs Solaris (SunOS 5.9), and I'm running WinSCP 3.8.1 (Build 328) using the Norton Commander style interface on Windows XP SP2.

The following dump is from Session -> Server/ Protocol information:

SSH protocol version = SSH-2

SSH implementation = Sun_SSH_1.0.1
Encryption algorithm = aes
Compression = No
File transfer protocol = SFTP (v2)

Can change permissions = Yes
Can change owner/group = No
Can execute arbitrary command = No
Can create symlink/hardlink = No/No
Can lookup user groups = No
Can duplicate remote files = No
Can check available space = No
Native text (ASCII) mode transfers = No
Additional protocol information
The server does not support any SFTP extension.

Thanks for any help on this one.
