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Re: Confused about the two passwords

First, the "second" password is actually a passphrase:
Where do you see it being prompted for as a "password"?

Second, the actual "password" is not mandatory. If you do not want/need to use it, just do not fill it.
David Spector

Confused about the two passwords

WinSCP version 6.3.3 requires two passwords, both called just "passwords", for SFTP connection.

The first is next to the Username, so I assume it's the user's OS password.

The second is in the authentication section, It is prompted for separately, and I think it means the private key passphrase.

Am I correct so far?

Well, the problem is that I don't want to give the OS password, for improved security. In fact, for the root user, my OS (Alma Linux/Webuzo) allows the user password to be forbidden for SSH connection.

But I can't see how to implement just the IP, username, private .ppk file, and private key passphrase as my credentials for WinSCP. What, exactly, do I enter into a WinSCP site specification to get this result?

I've been confused about this for several weeks now. The documentation doesn't resolve my confusion.

(Sorry, I don't see how a log file would help me understand what to enter in the site specification.)