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Re: Assistance with WinSCP License

WinSCP is open source. You do not need to purchase any license to use it.
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Assistance with WinSCP License

Hi Team,

I would like to purchase WinSCP subscription. I have few queries before proceeding further. Could you please provide your assistance.

  1.   Is WinSCP a Opensource software or a licensed software?
  2. License Type of WinSCP is Enterprise, or per user?
  3. Can we use one license on multiple devices simultaneously?
  4.  Is the application data license linked / device linked? If the user logs in from a new device will the data get wiped out from the old device?
  5. User is moving from one device to another device, in that case will he need the new licenses? Or will his old license work? 
  6. Does the license support OS Language Adaptation like English, German, French?
