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Topic review


@SPeller_: Unfortunately the plugin code is not compatible with the latest application code. You need to the the correct code from CVS.

BSB mean BCB

Re: Compiling WinSCP Far plugin 1.5.1

Please make sure you have the latest source code of the application from CVS.

Compiling WinSCP Far plugin 1.5.1

I am trying to compile the plugin sources and I have theese errors:
"[C++ Error] WinSCPFileSystem.cpp(2345): E2268 Call to undefined function 'CompareFileName'"
"[C++ Error] WinSCPFileSystem.cpp(3181): E2015 Ambiguity between '_fastcall TDateTime::operator double() const' and '_fastcall TDateTime::operator int() const'"
Please help to solve this problems.

PS: Sorry for my english.