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Re: Drag & Drop Copy on Windows Desktop

Pedro wrote:

Trying to set up a "drag & drop" icon for a non-technical user to be able to back up some files from their desktop. Is there a way to do this without them being prompted for ANY information?

I have a drag & drop icon set up, it does copy the files just as I want but it pops up the "Copy" dialog box every time and they have to hit the "Copy" button without changing anything.

If you use /upload parameter, that if should be enough to add /defaults parameter too.

Drag & Drop Copy on Windows Desktop

Trying to set up a "drag & drop" icon for a non-technical user to be able to back up some files from their desktop. Is there a way to do this without them being prompted for ANY information?

I have a drag & drop icon set up, it does copy the files just as I want but it pops up the "Copy" dialog box every time and they have to hit the "Copy" button without changing anything.


Re: Command Line destination specification

Type "help put" into console.

Command Line destination specification

I'm trying to do a copy of a file using scp, from the command line, so it can be run from within PHP. How do I specify the destination location, so that the script is not prompted? Maybe I didn't specify my search very well, but I couldn't find an answer for this in the forum or documentation....