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if exist rm file not working in batch script

Here is the actual solution
@echo off
REM Specify the path to WinSCP executable
set WINSCP_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\"
REM Specify the path to the WinSCP script file
set SCRIPT_PATH="C:\path\to\winscp_script.txt"
REM Specify the path for the log file
set LOG_PATH="C:\path\to\winscp.log"
REM Create a temporary script file
set TEMP_SCRIPT="C:\path\to\temp_script.txt"
REM Connect to the server and list .csv files
echo open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..." > %TEMP_SCRIPT%
echo cd /remote/directory/path >> %TEMP_SCRIPT%
echo ls *.csv >> %TEMP_SCRIPT%
echo close >> %TEMP_SCRIPT%
echo exit >> %TEMP_SCRIPT%
REM Run the temporary script and capture the output
%WINSCP_PATH% /script=%TEMP_SCRIPT% /log=%LOG_PATH% /loglevel=2 > output.txt
REM Check if any .csv files exist based on the output
findstr ".csv" output.txt >nul
if %errorlevel%==0 (
    REM If .csv files exist, create a script to delete them
    echo open s -hostkey="ssh-rsa 2048 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..." > %SCRIPT_PATH%
    echo cd /remote/directory/path >> %SCRIPT_PATH%
    echo rm *.csv >> %SCRIPT_PATH%
    echo close >> %SCRIPT_PATH%
    echo exit >> %SCRIPT_PATH%
    REM Execute the script to delete the files
    %WINSCP_PATH% /script=%SCRIPT_PATH% /log=%LOG_PATH% /loglevel=2
) else (
    echo No CSV files found to delete
REM Clean up
del output.txt

if exist rm file not working in batch script

This command works in my Windows batch script
rm "/rootfolder/subfolder/filename.csv"

however, the following does not work
if exist "/rootfolder/subfolder/filename.csv"
rm "/rootfolder/subfolder/filename.csv"

Can someone suggest how I can correct it.