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Re: Raw setting KEX
What parameters?
Re: Raw setting KEX
Part of the installation we have to copy the winSCP.exe and the winSCPnet.dll, I'm assuming is using the programs library, but for some reason, even though in the log, biztalk calls the exe, parameters are being ignored.
Re: Raw setting KEX
I'm not sure how Biztalk uses WinSCP. Isn't it using WinSCP .NET assembly? You cannot preconfigure anything for the assembly.
Raw setting KEX
In the documentation, there is list the KEX supported, among those the ones Bloomberg is asking me to use.
But if I go to the Raw Settings, and I set those (ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256)
On the next run the line gets remove, and by default, only the ones I cant use are available.
How can I restrict the KEX to the ones I listed?
Even worst I'm using Biztalk, that is using winSCP.