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Re: Not able to transfer files to remote server

Are you transferring the files to the correct directory?
Can you post equivalent verbose FileZilla log showing a successful upload?
A full WinSCP log file would be helpful too (and in English).

Not able to transfer files to remote server


An employee got a new computer the other week and we've decided to go from FileZilla to WinSCP.

Employee is now facing an issue when trying to transfer files to a server.

I've tried googling for some answers and stuff to try but not able to get it to work.

I've attached the logfile for the session
For some reason some of the lines are in Swedish while the rest of the logs are in English, I apologize for that.

Here's the translation for the swedish in the logs:
(ETerminal) File or catalogue does not exist.
Error code: 2
Error message from server (en): File not found
Asking user:
Cannot create remote file '/NYAGKORTBH.xlsx'. ("File or catalogue does not exist.
Error code 2
Error message from server (en): File not found")
Answer: Abort

(ESkipFile) Cannot create remotefile <filename.xlsx>
File or catalogue does not exist
error code 2
error message from server: File not found

There should be no issues with the permissions, there was no issues transferring files with FileZilla before, and using the same authentication details as before.

I appreciate your assistance!