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Please let us know, if you identify what causes the problem.
Btw, I do have the icon even in the context menu.

I've checked at home and here it works, although the right click menu is missing icon.
So it's likely something broken on my work PC.
Thanks anyway :)

I was using the ExplorerPatcher until last year when Windows finally added the [i]"Never combine taskbar buttons"[/i]. I suspect it may have left it's mark on the system even after I've removed it.

I'm pretty sure this issue appeared also on my home PC (I'll check when I get home), I'm not using it there much so I can't remember now.

I've tried to unpin and re-pin it many times using different methods (right click when the app is running, or search it through the start menu and pin it from there).
I've just tried to reinstall it but even that didn't helped.
I've tried to pin Inkscape which I also have from the Store and that icon works fine.
I've just looked up where the app is installed and if I pin the .exe file directly, it works as expected.

Are there some logs I could check?
But I agree this sounds like a Windows bug :(

Re: WinSCP icon missing in the taskbar

Thanks for your report and for supporting WinSCP.

Though I cannot reproduce the problem. Also on the latest Windows 11.
How exactly did you pin WinSCP? Is there anything unusual about your Windows 11 installation? Some desktop extension for example?

WinSCP icon missing in the taskbar

I have WinSCP installed from the Microsoft Store but this version is missing icon when I pin it to the taskbar.
The icon appears only when the app is running, once it's closed, it's gone again (see attachment).

This behavior started many months ago, I should have reported it much sooner.
I'm using latest Win 11.