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Topic review


Thanks, I've added my vote.

Do you not get any flickering even when the remote directory tree is long? I see the scrollbar getting smaller here as more directories are added, and then it finally jumps to the current directory. The file list in contrast doesn't flicker at all.

I see in the WinSCP source code that WM_SETREDRAW is used in a couple of places but I haven't looked close enough to know if that includes the directory trees (it seems like it doesn't?).

Remember scrolling positions for each tab

When a vertical scrollbar is shown in the file list or directory tree, and switching between tabs, I think it would be nice to have the scrolling positions remembered and restored when switching back to a tab.

I've also noticed that the remote directory tree flickers while it's rebuilt when switching tabs. I think that can be prevented with the WM_SETREDRAW message (set it to 0 before rebuilding and to 1 after).
