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Topic review


Re: Support query

We do not have any formal procedure, if that's what you ask for.
We are doing the best we can.

Re: Support query

Hi Martin,
My colleague and I logged this call twice as we could not see Sid's original post, hence I created an account and logged a second post.

Your response below only answers our third query, we still require response on queries 1 and 2.
Our questions:
Can you confirm how the WinSCP application is updated?

  1. Is it community driven updates?
  2. Is there a security vetting process to ensure vulnerabilities/backdoors are not introduced?
  3. If a security related issue has been identified which is deemed a critical risk, what are the timescales (estimated) for resolving these type of issues? (Martin response: 'Critical issues are typically addressed within several days.')

Re: Support query

Critical issues are typically addressed within several days.

Support query

Hi Support Team

I would like to get confirmation on how the WinSCP application is updated?

  • is it community driven updates?
  • is there a security vetting process to ensure vulnerabilities/backdoors are not introduced?
  • If a security related issue has been identified which is deemed a critical risk, what are the timescales (estimated) for resolving these type of issues?