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Topic review


Ok, let us know if the problem returns.

I can no longer reproduce. It would appear that, when updating the config, whatever bad setting was overwritten. It could have even been due to a format change at some point.

If I encounter the issue in the future, I'll avoid making any setting changes until after going through the bug reporting process.

Should be OK to close this.

Re: WinSCP hangs on SFTP login and browse, if path to PuTTY is no longer valid

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

WinSCP hangs on SFTP login and browse, if path to PuTTY is no longer valid

If the path to PuTTY under "Preferences > Integration > Applications" is no longer valid (e.g. you installed PuTTY to a different path than the one previously configured), When you connect to site, with WinSCP, and navigate through some of the remote directories and try to access a file in the right-hand pane (Explorer interface), WinSCP simply hangs and has to be forcibly killed.

Pointing the path to PuTTY to the correct location stops the hanging.

Versions, etc:
Windows 10 Pro 22H2 (OS Build 19045 4780)
WinSCP 6.3.5 (Build 14991 2024-09-10)
WinSCP GUI: Explorer
Transfer protocol: SFTP