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Re: Continue in background issue with edit files

Thanks for your report.

I have added this issue to the tracker:
Issue 2319 – After delete operation is moved to background, some operations (notably editing) do not work anymore

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a development version of WinSCP for testing? Please include a link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Continue in background issue with edit files

When I connect to an FTP with WinSCP (latest version). And delete a folder, it does that in the foreground. When I click then, to continue that deletion in the background with the button:

when you can see, that is continues to delete the things in the background:

BUT, If you click in the meantime on any other thing, like to "Edit" a file, it doesn't open the file:

And even after finishing the background job, it doesn't work at all, until complete restart of WinSCP. That only happens if you delete something on the remote site, which takes a while. Only while the deletion process is in the background.

While uploading in the backend, its working ;)
Here is also a video of the issue: