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Re: Unable to upload large files to Google S3 due to multipartUploads permission denied.

Indeed, that option has no effect on S3.
You cannot disable multipart S3 uploads in WinSCP.
Why do you have them disabled?

Unable to upload large files to Google S3 due to multipartUploads permission denied.

It appears setting Settings > Transfer > Endurance> Enable transfer resume/transfer to temporary filename for > Disabled does not have any effect, and files are being uploaded using "multipart" uploading.
Access denied.
Extra Details: Details: [account]@[bucket] does not have storage.multipartUploads.create access to the Google Cloud Storage object. Permission 'storage.multipartUploads.create' denied on resource (or it may not exist).

Windows 10 using latest WinSCP 6.3.6