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Topic review


If you're looking for an SCP/SFTP client for Mac, you can try Cyberduck or Transmit. Both are reliable and have great interfaces for file transfer.

Another option is FileZilla, which is free and supports both SCP and SFTP. Hope that helps

Re: Equivalent for Mac

Guys use Termius its the best and its free
jake store

i live you

good work

The forum seems to be loyal to recommending other solutions. I couldn't pass by, I would like to leave my opinion. While WinSCP is a fantastic tool, for those who also work on macOS and need seamless local drive integration with SFTP, you might find Commander One worth exploring. It offers a user-friendly interface and helps with mounting remote servers directly as local drives, which can be convenient in certain workflows. Just as an alternative solution.

its not good at all

@vlinx: Dear cheesiness friend, it's not bad at all multi space client.

It's buggy.
It can't scp.
Add ssh key for passwordless auth is a little pain in ass.
Developer don't answer on tickets and usually close them without comments.

And finally code of this project isn't public anymore.

I run Windows (Parallels) on my MacBook, so I can use my favourite tools

Try to use a RoyalTS

You just add an usual SSH connection, the you click right on the connection and choose to use SFTP connect option and you'll get WinSCP like file manager.
Free version supports up to 5 connections.

Wrong place

Lots people here regarding WinSCP as merely a FTP client utility without knowing that majority of people got to WinSCP because of SSH capabilities which none of the utilities mentioned here are capable except for FileZilla. Cyberduck, it's not free and running a VM just to have a utility, rather running Wine. Also look for SFTP Client on the Apple store, is free.

Cyberduck worked for me


Cyberduck worked for me,
transferred directories recursively to the remote server.

Hope this helps someone.
Very best

Forklift Version 2.6.6 (680)

Works with FTP, SFTP, SMB, WebDav, AFP, Amazon S3. Click Go, Connect.. Then choose protocol.
SFTP works fine.


I use Cyberduck and it works flawlessly. On AppStore it costs around $22 but if you go on their website you can get it for free! Just google Cyberduck for Mac and download it for free!

Re: Equivalent for Mac

Hi So MAC OS doesn't need this WinSCP you just mount the drive you want to work on and work (like any other UNIX machine)
if the drives you need are not mountable then talk to IT dep' to give you permissions


Ive been following this conversation for a year or so, since I got my mac. And I agree, there seems to be no real alternatives - wine did not do the trick for me.

So I developed an application called Hatchet,
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

It uses SSH to execute the necessary commands and transfer files, and uses sudo to gain permissions when its needed.
I made it as I used WinSCP with double click to edit and explorer mode.

You are welcome to try it out. Its not free though, but might become in the future depending on the interest.



WinSCP can be run via Wine on MAC/Linux as well ;) Just install brew via terminal, then wine (plus some dependencies), download winscp standalone and then you are ready to go ;)


Sorry, I cannot edit my original post; but I figured I would share my own tests, because people "spout" options and seem like they know something although they never test and share the truth:

All latest versions as of post date and I am working with Mac OSX Sierra but these do not work so far:

  • Fugu SSH 1.2.0 does not run on Mac OSX Sierra.
  • Fugu SSH 1.2.1 PREVIEW does run but it only does file upload/download commands not split view.
  • CyberDuck does not do SCP.
  • Transmit does not do SCP and is not FREE.
  • Filezilla does not do SCP.
  • MuCommander is junk and I could not even get it to install and run properly.
  • RBrowser connected but it is not FREE and interface extremely limited and crashed eventually.
  • Interarchy 10 connects via SCP, but it does not handle links correctly and you get an empty view when you "shortcut". Also not FREE.
  • Flow is in the App Store, but it is not FREE so you cannon even "test" it out.

Someone will chirp – Why not use FTP? Well, I am transferring files to my router which does not have FTP and I do not plan on installing it on there.

RMerlin firmware with Enterware-NG in case you are wondering.

The HUNT continues, but I might have to "give up" and use Fusion because I am one of those lazy bastards that can do command line although I am also one of those "edit, save, button push, test, edit, save, button push, test" kind of guys. CLI out of the question as I am spoiled...

Fugu SSH

Just to let everyone know, but Fugu SSH does not work on Mac OSX 10.12 – Sierra

I tried to install, because I would like something "native" to Mac without having to run Fusion and this gives you an error:
PowerPC Applications are no longer supported

This is for Fugu version 1.2.0

Still on the hunt for a WinSCP equivalent for Mac OSX Sierra...

just use this

U can work well with FileZilla and Terminal(native app of Mac)

in Terminal just put this command with your respective credentials:
ssh root@ (press enter)
then put the pass (press enter)
and you will get logged into your server.

Re: Equivalent for Mac

Use winSCP and install "wine" on your computer

Re: Transmit is OSX equiv for win scp

archaeopteryx wrote:

Transmit ya'll. It is known.

Transmit doesn't do SCP.

In fact, most of the apps mentioned on this thread do not.

Transmit is OSX equiv for win scp

Transmit ya'll. It is known.

I also agree Fugu is really great!

Anonymous wrote:

fugu works well

I just tried Fugu and it was exactly what I needed. Thanks!

I use vmWare fusion and use windows 10 with WinSCP on imacpro & works flawlessly

mac newbie

Re: got it to work (so far)


When using wine/winSCP after about an hour, my pointer started to spaz out and then the winSCP window flew halfway off my screen t the left. I am guessing this is because of the xQuartz graphics thing.. who knows. Also, I don't like the fact that you can't open up another winSCP window due to you can only run one session of wine. Maybe you can run more, but I didn't want to spend anymore time on it. I am scrapping the winSCP on Mac effort and just going to use Transit & the terminal window. :(

mac newbie wrote:

I was able to get winSCP (ver 5.5.1), working with wine 1.9.2 (and xQuartz). I am using a Macbook Pro with El Capitian. Not sure if all the features work, but so far so good.
mac newbie

got it to work (so far)

I was able to get winSCP (ver 5.5.1), working with wine 1.9.2 (and xQuartz). I am using a Macbook Pro with El Capitian. Not sure if all the features work, but so far so good.

FileZilla installs crapware. Search it on the net.

Check out FileZilla

FileZilla for Mac has SFTP/SSH (SCP) support.

I'm trying it just now with key file (id_rsa) as authentication method.

Use Wine

I got installed WINE (windows emulator) on my Mac laptop. It seems to work fine in wine.

There are a few things out there

- CyberDuck (don't know - coul'd have googled it but as every Programmer i't to Lazy to do it)
- Filezilla Opensource
- Trasmission from Panic

Or as i do just use the Finder in Combination with SSHFS (a nice Tool which enables you to mount an ssh drive like a AFP or SAMBA Share)

Hope this helps.
Ashley Ross


I found fugu bit easy and helpful.


fugu is helpful.


miabchdave wrote:

ramblinman wrote:

disappointingly, Fugu doesn't download directories... kills it for me

Fugu is buggy and not very useful at all - it's too old. Try Cyberduck (don't let the name put you off)... Finally something close to WinSCP. It's free as well, the guy just asks for donations. As soon as I tried it, it made my life 10 times easier and I gave a hefty donation just for the relief.

Right now, Cyberduck is my problem. I use a windows at home, and I can connect every time using WinSCP. When using the macs at school (they're good macs,) however, Cyberduck won't connect. I put all of the information in right, and it just refuses to connect. I even showed my hosting support people what was going on, and they said that it actually looks like it went through with no problems. They don't know what's wrong with it, and neither do I. It just doesn't work.

Install Homebrew or MacPorts
get midnight commander
use Shell Link

WinSCP mac

I can now use winscp to connect to mac machine, but after I enable ssh on mac(System Preferences -> Sharing -> Check Remote Login).


You van try winscp under wineskin winery! Works great that way, exactly as winscp on a windows machine :D

Try SecureFX and SecureCRT in a bundle.
It's like integrated PuTTY and WinSCP.

Re: VM option

@ahache888: I agree. A virtual windows machine on the Mac is the way to go. After I setup a fresh copy of Windows XP using VMware's Fusion, I installed all my favorite utilities (WinSCP, PuTTY, WinMerge) and it works seamlessly.

Re: Equivalent for Mac

FileZilla SFTP transfer perfectly works on my machine. Make sure you set your port number to 22 which is the default for SFTP. I tried to FTP with 21 and it did not work.

Re: wine

I use WinSCP with Wine OK. But I cannot launch two sessions on separate windows, does anybody know how to do that?


I use WinSCP with Wine.

WinSCP on Wine - Working for me

If this is still is useful to anyone, I was just able to run WinSCP in my MacBook Pro using Wine. This was painless for me because I had set up Wine a while back to use WinBUGS in my Mac, but I do remember installing Wine was not entirely easy.

WinSCP installed PuTTY on Wine by default, which was good because I needed PuTTYgen to convert my Mac's private SSH key to .ppk format; I loaded the key in WinSCP and using the VPN connection already set up on my Mac, WinSCP is running just fine. It really was a piece of cake (having Wine already) and so far it seems I don't need to spend $34 on Transit.

@devotee: Hi, A bit of an old thread but I just changed from Cyberduck to Transmit and just wanted to say it is leagues ahead although it does cost $34.

Re: Syncronisation

@dalemac: Hello, I have bought "Transmit" too, and it is a great piece of software. It can SFTP over SSH, is damn fast, and can do synchronisation. I can authenticate with an SSH key, too.

I am using it for FTP, and for me it is THE equivalent to WinSCP on Windows.


The main feature I miss from WinSCP on the Mac is the automatic synchronisation of directories (Ctrl+U). Does anyone know of a program that will sync local and remote directories on the Mac easily? I have been using GoodSync ( but it takes about 20 seconds to recognise a change in the file system.

purefusion wrote:

Transmit is one of the better FTP clients on the Mac, yet it still does not support SCP/SSH.

Transmit does support SSH now, and it's damn fast and user-friendly. I have several SFTP/SCP clients installed on my Mac and I mainly use Transmit on a daily basis. I really recommend it.

@jsherk: We haven't tested this, so I cannot give any suggestions.
If you do test it, let us know!

WinSCP ported to Mac ??

That would be great, but am concerned that there is no other mention of it except your link above.


I installed fugu, but every time I tried to open a file to do a quick edit, it asks for BBedit. It seems BBedit is not free tho. Does anyone have the similar problem?

jerome187 wrote:

Use fugu its a pretty good winscp replacement.


I havent found a suitable replacement for WinSCP for the Mac OS, which is really a shame. I really surprised that no one has ported it over to Mac. In any case you can always transfer your files using a terminal. For example using the following command will transfer a file from your mac to a remote server using the scp command:

Here is the syntax:

scp -P portnum -i path/to/keyfile path/to/file_you_are_uploading user@server:path/on/server

-P portnum is the port number of the remote server. If your using port 22 then you don't need to specify a port here. But if you are using a port number other that 22, then place it behind the -P

-i path/to/keyfile is your private key file. I personally don't use passwords when using ssh/scp instead I use private keys. If you use passwords then dont use the -i statement

Here is what the command should look like:

admin$ scp -P 222 -i Users/admin/id_dsa.ppk Users/admin/

Your terminal window should show the upload progress and est. time of completion.

Hope this helped someone out there :)

Re: winscp wine winebottler

I just tried FileZilla and CyberDuck.

Basically, both seemed to work great for me right off the bat.

I already use FileZilla for my ftp needs. For my "scp" needs, I connect via SFTP. Specified the user to connect to and it went and found my ssh key.

I can do everything I wanted to do, everything I've done in WinSCP. Really wish I hadn't spent the time trying to get WinSCP running. Oh well, live and learn.....

( not to say WinSCP isn't great. It is! I'll use it again if I'm ever on a Windows platform again.... )

WinSCP Wine WineBottler

I just attempted to use WineBottler to use Wine. Followed directions here:

Successfully created the .app

Was not able to get it to work.
When running .app, get x11 info box:

X Error
X Host does not exist
ok reconnect(countdown) help

* Definitely the WinSCP application and not from X11 itself
* Clicking ok or close = X11 continues to run, but don't see the WinSCP executable
* runtime arg of /ini="C:\my_winscp_config.ini"
* Tried winebottle with both the standalone WinSCP and the WinSCP installer
* In the Prefix config / files - looked through the *.reg files. Found no WinSCP specific stuff.
* deleted winscp.rnd from drive_c/users/un/Application Data/
Then, for whatever reason,
* I just tried running the standalone version of WinSCP - named WinSCP.exe
* Wine pops up a message - asking -
** run directly - giving me some options
** convert to simple osx application bundle with winebottler
* I choose run directly
* I get the WinSCP dialog box I'm so familiar with - asking for a WinSCP Login Info
* I tried to connect to a box, authentication failed, and I had a heck of a time getting back to the login screen
* I was unable to connect to a box - I think perhaps @ this point this is my problem - since I do not know what my company's authentication strategy ( it's not un / pw ) is - and am VERY new to the Mac. I tried some different things that I won't list here b/c I doubt they would make sense to a mac user

Captain FTP. You can find it in the app store. Should do whatever you need it to do.

WinSCP alternatives for Mac

Has anybody used either Rbrowser or MacFusion on the Mac? How do they compare to WinSCP?

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EDIT: Have not tried this one as it's $29.00
EDIT: MacFusion requires MacFUSE in order to work, and MacFUSE is not supported on Lion, so don't bother with this one (unless MacFUSE is updated)

A couple other suggestions I found are FireFTP and FireSSH which are addons for Firefox.


Try "Fetch"... works well for me :)

I just downloaded fugu. Works perfectly. Thanks for the suggestion!

Winscp Alternative

I've used Winscp for ages on my pc, and now I'm using muCommander for mac, works like a charm, look and feel like winscp, just drag and drop with two panels. Great!

winscp alternative

Hi all.

Thank you for the suggestions. Just used Fugu. Worked really well. My office uses winscp and I have a mac.

I found a solution? I haven't spent much time with it

I found a program called Fugu. Here's the brief tutorial.
<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>
It seems, so far, to work great as an SCP (and SFTP) GUI client.

I too rely on WinSCP daily and have been looking for a Mac equivalent.
Give it a shot I suppose.

Re: Winscp for mac

There's a simple hack if you grab the source code for filezilla and set the file change polling interval to something like 500ms it works like a charm for remote file editing over ssh. I'm really surprised that there is nothing that comes close to winscp for linux or mac.
I've tried sshfs, fish [linux: konqueror + dolphin support fish:// addresses] and every editor under the sun it seems and nothing is as easy to use as winscp.

I'm working on a clone based on filezilla [much as WinSCP is] and I'll try to keep mac os as a target for compatibility when doing so.

Winscp for mac

Tried a bunch of apps - half didn't work at all, others lacked in features. I think worst of all was Cyberduck - I have no idea why it is so popular it so painful to use, especially if all you want to do is make a quick edit to a typo in a file on the server. In WinSCP this was a 30second task in Cyberduck I could still be fighting with it 20mins later especially as it doesn't seem to over-write files properly.

Closet I came to a stable option is Forklift 2. It's a great alternative to Finder and has fairly stable FTP support both in a dual panel set up or mounting the drive so you can treat it like a connected USB drive and edit files with your favorite apps. Still not as good as WinSCP but it kills two birds with one stone - an improvement over Finder and Cyberduck in one.

Still searching for the perfect solution though - may have to use VMWare fusion and WinSCP.


Use wine and winebottler on your mac and it will convert the file to a .app file which will allow you to run the program via x11 :D

My main selling feature is the dual control pane of WinSCP.
I like having my local machine on left and remote on right so I can drag and drop.
This way i just maximize it on my other monitor.

Right now it's in Parallels but I'd like to not use VMware because it's a sap on RAM.

WinSCP for Mac


I am using Cyberduck, mainly for FTP but does support SFTP

Re: VM option

ahache888 wrote:

Set up a Windows virtual machine....

Honestly, This is the best option. Might take a little extra work for some people to set it up; but this offers the best of both worlds! This way you have access to over-write/ drag and drop/ SyncToy type of applications which surely add a lot of value to the Microsoft machines.


WinSCP for Mac

Use FileZilla for Mac. Setup your site with SFTP (uses FTP over SSH) and you will be a happy clam.

VM option

Set up a Windows virtual machine. I highly recommend VMware Fusion. I'm currently running WinSCP and a plethora of other Windows applications on my Mac. This is a bit of a long winded approach, but you'll have virtually (pun) no software constraints.


<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

This is the bomb. I set it up in probably 15 minutes, with the additional ssh key, and autostart on the App doc. Now I can browse and copy whatever I want to my other computer.

I know this is a two year old topic however just for anyone else. I use WinSCP with Wine on a Mac. Works just fine.

Fugu is buggy and not very useful at all – it's too old. Try Cyberduck (don't let the name put you off)... Finally something close to WinSCP. It's free as well, the guy just asks for donations. As soon as I tried it, it made my life 10 times easier and I gave a hefty donation just for the relief.

Disappointingly, Fugu doesn't download directories... kills it for me.

Use Fugu. It's a pretty good WinSCP replacement.

Did you try FireFtp? It's a plug-in for Firefox (that means it's cross-platform).
It works really well.

FireFTP is an FTP client, not an SCP/SSH client. It can't do half of what WinSCP does.

I've considered building a Mac client like WinSCP, but it's a fairly huge endeavour. I've been doing some iPhone development, and could try taking on the project eventually, but probably not any time soon.

...But yeah, I feel your Mac pain. Transmit is one of the better FTP clients on the Mac, yet it still does not support SCP/SSH.

I don't care for Fugu. It's latest release is now 4 years old, and half the time it doesn't work right. But it's open source, so a Mac spawn of WinSCP could start there.

Custom commands are the big point of WinSCP for me. Editing temp files that upload on each save action is another biggie. Fugu doesn't really support either (though its counterpart iHook is supposed to handle the commands behavior). Both Fugu and iHook tend to be on the ugly side though.

Did you try FireFtp? It's a plug-in for Firefox (that means it's cross-platform).
It works really well.

Fugu works well.

I second that!

Fugu works well.


I had the same problem until I suddenly discovered that TextWrangler (which is a free text editor for Mac) has built-in FTP support. I just tried it and it was fast, much faster than ClassicFTP which I've been using a bit.

krzysztof dziadek


Disk Order has an FTP/SFTP client.

An equivalent is DiskAid

Go to Cyberduck

Seriously. There is no "good" solution out there. I've tried half a dozen clients from Fugu to FileZilla, and none of them work the way I need them to work. These days, I'm forced to work on Macs more and more often, and I'm getting really tired of having to sneakernet files from the Mac system to the Windows system via a thumb drive, just so that I can upload files to my server.

Equivalent for Mac


This isn't a feature request, but a plea for help. I've been using WinSCP for a while now, and I have to say it's great. The problem is that its so good, I'm spoiled.

I recently got a new job where I'm required to use a Mac. I know there is no WinSCP for Mac, but does anyone know of an SCP/SFTP client that is half decent for Mac?
