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Topic review


Increase Connections

I was able to improve the upload transfers by increasing the number of connections from 2 to 7. This improved it by 50%.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Upload/Download Files are Super Slow.

Please post comparable session log files from WinSCP and FileZilla.

Upload/Download Files are Super Slow.

I was using FileZilla which transferred my files pretty fast. However, as a newbie using WinSCP for the first time, I found that the upload was incredibly slow. Same thing when I delete files and folder from the server. As for downloading from server to computer, it's a bit faster. I have excellent internet speed 600mbs/download – 50mbs/upload.

Is there any settings I should be made aware of to help improve WinSCP's performance? I currently kept all the default settings.

I am running version 6.3.4 (June 2024). I know there is a newer version but does any of those update improve the download/upload performance?

Thank you for you time.