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Re: Can't connect to Isilon storage with S3 protocol

Thanks for sharing your findings.

Re: Can't connect to Isilon storage with S3 protocol

Hi Martin,
I tried with a new version of OneFS 9.8 and the comunication is working, so the problem is on version 9.2 which probably has a problem with the S3 protocol implementation.


Re: Can't connect to Isilon storage with S3 protocol

I do not see any significant difference between the requests sent by WinSCP and by aws. So I cannot tell why the server seems to be closing WinSCP connection. Is there anything useful in server-side logs?

Can you try to connect using IP address in WinSCP, the way you do with aws? (not that I think it helps, but just in case).

Re: Can't connect to Isilon storage with S3 protocol

I also tried to set the path URL style access but again I couldn't connect. With AWS CLI I can connect without problems, I attach the log.


Re: Can't connect to Isilon storage with S3 protocol

Maybe you need to use Path URL Style?

If this does not help, please post verbose log from any other S3 client that works with your server. Or show use how you use aws cli with your server.

Can't connect to Isilon storage with S3 protocol

I have a problem connecting to an Isilon storage with the S3 protocol, I get the following error:
Could not read status line: connection was closed by server

WinSCP: 6.3.6 (Build 15073 2024-11-25)
Windows 10 (22H2 build ISO 19045.51.31)
Isilon: OneFS version
Transfer protocol: S3 using the GUI

See attached log for more informations.

Any suggestions?