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Some configuration was probably changed on the server. Maybe it could be reverted.

No sorry I do not. Is this a lost cause? If so, I will stick with using FileZilla. Unless there is another alternative FTP client you could suggest? Thank you.

I guess you do not have logs from the time it was still working?

I set it to \ then after connecting it auto reverts to /\. I also tried / but again reverts to \/. I also tried removing both of the settings in the attached picture and it then saves the path without changing it but when it connects it still shows \/ on the top. WinSCP used to work for these FTP sites. Now they connect fine and I can move around but it doesn't list any files that are there like when using FileZilla.

In FileZilla, the path is \12:8597443484\Inbox, not /\12:8597443484. Though maybe it was WinSCP that forced the leading slash. In general WinSCP does not support servers that uses non-standard part syntax well. Can you try again with \12:8597443484? Or with /12:8597443484, if your server can deal with it?

Is there any further info needed? Thank you.

The path is correct and I can move around the folders the same as I can when using FileZilla but the only difference is there aren't any files listed. I attached the debug log file from FileZilla when connecting to the same site.

Re: WinSCP not Listing Remote .DAT Files

Are you sure about the path /\12:8597443484? Shouldn't it be /12:8597443484?
Please post logs or screenshot from FileZilla too.

WinSCP not Listing Remote .DAT Files

When connecting to a site that only allows port 21; it connects in WinSCP but does not list the .DAT files or any files. But when loading it on FileZilla it does. I have tried enabling and disabling the Show Hidden Files option but doesn't make a difference. Attached is a Debug 2 log file.