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Topic review


Thanks for your feedback.

I wasn't able to reliably reproduce the filter dialog box issue. I was able to confirm that the build you sent does work through sleep mode though!

Thanks. I was able to reproduce the problem:
Issue 2331 – After system theme change panel context menus stop working

Though WinSCP restart is definitely enough for the problem to go away.
Also I do not see the problem with clicking the filter mask.

I'm sending you an email with a development version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum. Please test it for all problems you have reported.

Restarting does seem to work, but it will still eventually lose it's context menu. I don't know how to reproduce the problem. Clicking on the *.* brings up the file mask filter dialog, but that also stops working after a certain point. After that, the location bar seems to randomly lose its interactivity after an unspecified amount of time, restarting the application itself doesn't fix it, a full system restart is required.

It could be any number of things, I'll just keep doing what i normally do and will test the context menu from time to time and see if I can figure out when it bugs out.

EDIT: It appears to lose the context menu when windows goes into sleep mode.

Re: Rightclick remote location bar -> Copy Current Location no longer works.

Thanks for your report. Though it works for me (with 6.3.5).
Did you try restarting your machine?
Doesn't the menu popup somehow hidden or elsewhere due to some glitch? Maybe on another monitor? Or hidden behind some window? Does really nothing happen at all when you right click? For example, the file filter mask *.* (which shows, once you move your mouse cursor to the path label) should disappear, when you right-click.
Do other context menus work? For example the toolbar context menu.

Rightclick remote location bar -> Copy Current Location no longer works.

I feel like this use to work, and suddenly stopped working but I might be making up this issue all together as I just recently updated my workstation and my muscle memory goes to right click the location bar to get a contextual dropdown to copy the current location, but nothing happens when right clicking the location bar.

Version: 6.3.5
Windows Version: Win 11 (10.0.26100.2314)