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Re: Running custom commands always leads to error code 2

WinSCP is 32-bit application. In 64-bit Windows, 32-bit applications get redirects to 32-bit C:\Windows\SysWOW64, when they try to access C:\Windows\System32. If you want to access the 64-bit C:\Windows\System32, you need to use C:\Windows\Sysnative.
See also

So I found a solution, it sounds dumb I guess, but I just simply copy the ssh.exe to another folder and it seems to have fixed it somehow, oh well, as long as it works I guess.

Re: Running custom commands always leads to error code 2

Now some of the time it says it can't find "ssh" for some reason, but the funny thing is, it still can't find it even after I put the absolute path to it
"C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe" !U@!@ -p !# cat !/! | vlc -

Running custom commands always leads to error code 2

So the gist of what I'm trying to do is playing a video with ssh and vlc, to put it simply I need to run:
ssh user@target -p PORT cat FILE | vlc -

all the parameters can be provided by WinSCP using the patterns, I also use the "Local command" and "Use remote files" so that it doesn't download and then run the command.

But after running it, I got error code 2 instead, even though the same exact command works on normal cmd terminal, which confuses me. This is the command I tried to run
ssh !U@!@ -p !# cat !/! | vlc -

the error message or the actual log for that matter only says the same thing which doesn't help at all. Here's what it says

System Error. Code: 2.
The system cannot find the file specified